So, the Manfield Maul is nearly upon us!
For those in the far flung edges of the empire… wait? No more empire?
Well this sucks, someone should do something about that…
Ahem, for those who are not familiar with this event, it is a true
Warhammer institution. A wacky mix of points size (2999), theme (a free thematically
suitable special character created by the organisers is available for use by
all players), dressing up, the odd beverage and a doubles game thrown in the
middle for good measure, the Maul is not your “traditional” event.
It’s so out there that the Mansfield Maul is not even, in fact, in
Mansfield (Sheffield being some 30 miles away from Mansfield. Now, being relatively
widely travelled myself I appreciate that to our foreign friends this is no distance
at all, and am sure that the average paper round is probably further. In
England, however, such a trip is a Herculean feat – the span of 30 miles will
take you distinct regions with their own particular accents, views on
Northern/Southern/Other people and some passionately held, if difficult to
understand, views on the rightful independence of their own country. And if
this is not enough, there will probably be leaves/rain/snow/wrong kind of
leaves/wrong kind of snow and/or sheep on the line, so public transport becomes
and adventure (really rather dependent on how you define such things…))
The Maul is one of the longest continuously run events in the UK – I think
it’s in its 8th year – and is very clear that it sees itself as a “different”
event. As is clearly laid out in the pack:
“The Maul has had an ethos from the very beginning – ‘Bring armies that
look like armies’… The Maul is an opportunity to do something different. To
bring a different attitude, a different style of army and play and have an
event that has an added social/party feel to it rather than the sort of event
where you play 6 games of tense, no quarter given, Gary Gameface style games….”
Furthermore it lays out four central points that distinguish itself:
“1. Leave your gameface at home…
2. 2999pts… This allows you more room when building your list [and give
ability to take big monsters you normally don’t due to cost]
3. …It’s Halloween and that means the option for fancy dress on the Saturday
4. Doubles… doubles game as game 3…”
As I mentioned, its different, and its an institution.
Now, I am happy to admit that it is not a priority for me to attend –
there are only so many Mrs Tokens and hobby dollars in this world, and one has
to choose where to spend them wisely. I would love to go one day, and I love
its uniqueness – even if from afar. One of my favourite things about the whole event
is looking at the lists people are bringing – traditionally you see lovely
wacky stuff that is never seen on the “bleeding edge” of competitive play, with
the odd person who throws all niceness to the winds and brings the filth. There
was a bit of an outcry last year when (arguably due to it at the time being a
ranked event) the perception was that pretty much everyone in the field was
bringing an F22 Raptor to a custard cream fight. So I thought I would have a
look at what this year’s crop of Maulitas
have brought us.
First of all, this needs to be said.
Chaos is filth.
OK, maybe I should elaborate. The Northern kind of Chaos is filth. The
half bunny half naked man variety you may bump into if you go into the wrong
woods at the wrong time of day, not so much.
The worse thing is… I am not even sure I can blame the players.
The Maul, through its system of Timmycomp
and general peer pressure, encourages Themed lists. This is most definitely a
Good Thing.
Alas, some themes are very good. Very good.
MonoGod DoC lists (most particularly the Nurgle variety) are most
definitely themed. They are also, in the vast majority of cases, top tier
competitive armies. The same, to an extent, can be said for MonoGod WoC lists.
Heck, using that logic, I am shocked no one brought a Nuln Artillery
Train for their Empire list J
But anyway – let’s not dwell on the dull and vulgar – as I said, I am
not even sure it’s the player’s fault, some of the books you would probably
have to actively try to make a weak list out of.
No, let us look at some examples of lists (either excerpts or in their entirety)
of lists that have gladdened my heart on this ever so Monday-like of Monday
Well, where to start?
Where better than with Mr Smith. Take a bow!
No Warmachines? Check.
No Lords? Check.
5 Combat Blocks? Check.
Massive Hairy Elephant? Check.
Love it.
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Full list |
Mr Sweeting also does not let the side down.
In between the usual (for him) and still very cool Lord on Wyvern and
double Arachnarok list he also has the patented goblin hero spam… the rest of
his list contains a lot of standard fare…. But one line stands out as the
single best line in any army list at this event…
Next up, Mr Armstrong.
The undisputed (well, on this blog at least) master of scaly skinned
goodness. Married life obviously suits him, and he has bought into the idea
with a list built around three combat blocks and three monsters – and yes, one
is a Carnosaur! Sure, there is the ubiquitous fat frog floating around, but if
you ignore that you are left with good old fashioned… goodness. I mean,
seriously. Only 2 units of skinks.
Mr Smith (another one! Should make a Matrix joke here...) also has hidden gems of goodness amidst what is
essentially a normal list. Taking up the gauntles thrown down on Heelanhammer
with (one assumes) fearless bravado, he joins the party with a 4 Sphinx list.
Not remotely a terrible choice at these points totals I don’t think – well,
with the caveat this is Tomb Kings we are talking about. Still, better than
seeing Beasts of Nurgle on the table!
Mr Borland is somewhat bringing it up a gear with Scyla’s slavering
OK, sure, it doesn’t make all that much fluff sense (a predominantly Slaaneshy
force taking orders from a spawn of Khorne would need justification in
supporting fluff that would need the involvement of at least one portal and a
chance meeting in some woods… and that’s before the father of Dragon Ogres gets
involved), but so what?
Kholek – cool
Scyla – cool
Forsaken – cool
Dragon Ogres – cool
Slaughterbrute – cool
Mutalith Vortex Beast – cool
Shaggoth – cool
So there.
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Full list |
Mr Wildman of some podcast or other finally delivers on what he has been going on about for
years! OK, maybe he mentioned it once, but still… say hello to MSU O&G!
Not only featuring special character goodness, this list also contains
the second best line from any of the army lists at this event!
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Full List |
Mr “Old Man” Yeo (who's not actually all that old - but don't tell him that!) is bringing one of my favourite list concepts to the
field – the WooftimeOfTheLastWaaagh (yes that’s one word). 40 strong mounted
unit, because why not?! Sure the rest of the list is mainly classic Yeofilth –
but he does have a very angry walking rock, so that counts for something.
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List Excerpt |
All round list writing Guru Mr Gill does not disappoint, bringing a list
that to all intents and purposes mocks other High Elf players who have claimed
to have been bringing a High Elf Air force. Three Griffons, 2 flying chariots
and a unit of 6 Eagles – this is, quite frankly, epic.
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List Excerpt |
And finally, a quick shout out to Mr Banks, who has brought something I
always wanted to bring – a full on Von Carstein family reuinion!
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List Excerpt |
So, I look forward to hearing how these get on over the weekend – one thing
is for sure. If history teaches us anything (and we all know it teaches us
almost all things) a lot of fun will be had at this event!
Until next time
Boo, I'd hoped to see some of the proper love for the daemons lists that is the least they deserve, all that monogod fluffiness.
ReplyDeletePlayed the Von Carstein list game five and went all combat ninja elves against it! Killed Isabella and Manfred, and got rid of Vlad, but the slippery eel reappeared somewhere else (boo hiss). Game ended 10-1"
ReplyDeletePoor Von Carsteins - you are such a bully Steve!