

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

This Fortnight in WFB Podcasting 

21 April - 5 May

Each fortnight I will write up a brief review of the WFB podcasts that have been released, highlighting my personal top 5 casts of the timeframe, and other that have just missed the cut.
In this first instalment I also outline some of my more general views on some of the podcasts

1 - The Dwellers Below

High Elf review!

These boys have wasted no time in letting us know their detailed thoughts on the newest army book to hit the scene. Well thought out, unrushed (another word for long!), this is a comprehensive look that I doubt any other cast will match. With their usual blend of colonial humour and chat, this podcast has really gone from strength to strength – coupled with the chemistry between the hosts (the show really benefits from having a large number of informed contributors) and great radio voices (a much underrated part of a podcast!), this cast has quickly risen to the level of Podhammer at its very heyday (if not better – though that is probably heresy).
Despite some of the weird views of the game (and an unhealthy love of Treemen) and their love of the strangest comp system out there, this has definitely risen to the top of the “must listen” list of WFB podcasts.

2 - Garagehammer

The Adepticon Experience

David and Chris are back with a colourful review of their time at Adepticon – including some brilliant input from well known people on the scene – including Ben, Mark and Gareth from The Bad Dice Podcast.
Far less Warhammer content than we are used to from this pillar of WFB podcasts, it was nonetheless great to see the culmination of the journey that took them to this event – we have followed their list and army preparation for so long it was great to get payoff. It seems like everyone had a good time. Pity they did not explore the sports scoring controversy in a bit more death, but I appreciate they are personal friends of the TO and therefore can understand the focusing on the (more prevalent) positive aspects.
Down through no fault of their own – Adepticon has had a lot of post event coverage, and understood why they covered it too. Just lacking in other content.
This podcast has grown incredibly since its release. An unique, uncomplicated (in the best possible way) look at Warhammer in the American MidWest, this is a show with fantastic production quality from two guys (and great regular contributors) who clearly love the game. Their army reviews in particular are always worth a listen – they cover things in… considerable detail!
Sure, they get some things wrong, and they disagree with the views of those in the UK on many things, but this has become a must-listen for anyone who appreciates passionate people talking about the hobby we all love first and foremost, as opposed to focusing on the cutting edge of tournament gaming.  

3 - The Black Sun

Russ Veal on Warriors of Chaos

A podcast very different to their norm! Russ “The Face” Veal is back on the airwaves, this time talking to Chris (and a very quiet Dom) about the SCGT warm up event they were all at, and the new Warriors of Chaos book. A lovely and detailed discussion, this did lack the more… vulgar… aspects of their usual podcast. On a personal level it was all the better for it.
It is always fantastic to listen to top players discuss armies they are passionate about, and a lot of players could learn a lot from this discussion. The discussion did lack a good finale – Russ’s understandable dislike of feeding the ‘internet net lists’ did prevent him from nailing his colours to a mast re lists, which is often the most interesting take away from the views of elite gamers (and the schadenfreude of them being wrong in the long term).
A very popular podcast with an unique blend of drunken ramblings, vulgar segments, bad music and (surprisingly) in depth tournament reviews, this show is brought to us by four of the biggest personalities on the UK tournament scene. Worth a listen if nothing (at all!) offends you.

4 - Pointhammer

The Boys do the UK – Part 1

The first part of Pointhammer’s chronological review of their trip to the rain-swept shores of the UK and their attendance at the South Coast Grand Tournament. Great to hear their views on the culture shock that is their trip to the old country.
As smooth and fun as ever, Johnny and Rodge run through their experiences, from the terrible reality of English food to a detailed look at their games on the Friday and (Jonny’s rude awakening on) Saturday. Sounds like Johnny had a terrible game - sucks he travelled all the way here to experience that!
These chaps were one of the highlights of the SCGT, and their painting (and tattoos) is utterly incredible!
The comparisons to The Black Sun are obvious, but this is generally a far more polished version. Some fantastic talk from some exceptional hobbyists. Well worth listening out for.

5 - Bad Dice Daily

Adepticon Feedback

Ben’s detailed feedback on aspects of Adepticon that got the forums all worked up was definitely worth a listen from someone who suffered from the sports scores… ‘situation’ at the event.
Bad Dice Daily has become a (if not THE) pillar of WFB media content. Worth a listen every day – even when the topic is not of interest, it is well informed, short, and to the point.

Also of note – fantastic episodes that did not quite make the cut into the Top Five for this fortnight:


Wayne Flips His Lid

The returning titan of UK podcasting, Dan and Wayne released yet another polished show. With their tightly structured segments, they definitely offer something different to the norm. This time they looked at some of the New High Elf models, followed by a lengthy hobby-related chat (primarily display boards and paint brushes). Professionally made by experienced podcasters.
Personally this episode was a bit of a let down due to the lack of SCGT coverage. Compared to the amount of coverage coming out of Adepticon the SCGT post event coverage across podcasts has been poor to date, and it would have been very interesting to get the organiser’s views on it. I also miss the detailed game-related coverage that used to be the hallmark of Heelanhammer back in the day, but appreciate the hobby side is what a lot of people look for from podcasts.
Regardless, this is without doubt one of the best podcasts in the hobby – one to keep an eye on.

Jaded Gamercast

High Elf Review

This week Nathan and Long get into it with High Elves. Their fantastically blunt, grumpy and drink-fuelled views on GW and their games are always worth a listen. Fantastically well-informed by their long service to their hobby, their most recent episodes have really raised the bar on the quality of the show. Their views on the game, comp as a whole and alcoholic beverages may be puzzling to the UK listener, but that does not in any way detract from the show.
Covering all of GW’s games, and a range of alternatives on occasion, this show provides a more in-depth view on the wider hobby – as seen by their fascinating discussion on the future of GW in a recent episode – is this frantic release schedule we are seeing a sign the company is looking to sell itself? Only time will tell.

Bad Dice Daily

Top 5 Adepticon Experiences

Ben’s thoughts on Adepitcon as an event was a beautifully succinct summary outlining exactly why so many of us want to fly over there as soon as we can. One of the stand out Bad Dice Daily’s of this period.



The boys go over their Adepticon experiences – clearly much (too much?) fun was had – and Dale had some great success on the tables. Clearly there is something wrong with Warhammer in the US!
This show took a few episodes to really kick off, but now their unique fusion of UK and North American Warhammer viewpoints makes their discussions fascinating – though you cant help thinking Dale is corrupting the Canadian scene… Loud, obnoxious, crude and vulgar, yet with a certain cute charm, this show has quickly risen to the top of my VulgarFantasy (tm) listening list. Hope they keep up their continued improvement to the show!



Another Adepticon review, this one, as well as containing entertaining review of the host’s time at the event, had a very interesting interview with Ronnie from Mantic Games inclusing a good rundown of their events at the Con, as well as what is coming out later in the year for their game system. Another solid production from the Ohiohammer chaps.

If there is any podcast you think should be in the list, or any others that I should listen to let me know – either on here, of twitter me on @Raffazza

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