It Doesn't Rain But It Pours - 8th Edition Army-Off
Like locusts, camera-toting
tourists and (apparently) buses, subjects seem to do WFB media rounds in, erm…
flocks?…. I’m losing the simile here...
Suffice to say, no sooner had the
mighty Heelanhammer bowed to public pressure and answered what must be THE most
discussed casual topic of conversation in the hobby that the at-least-equally-mighty-and-definitely-more-accented
Bad Dice also weighed on what is effectively: What is the Best Army in Warhammer?
I loved the episodes. But…
Both (or all five, depending on
how you look at it) got the answer wrong, though that is to be expected.
Firstly, it’s a subjective thing (and Ben seemed determined only consider
comped Dark Elves compared to uncomped everything else), and secondly, you have
to establish the parameters of such a discussion when comparing different
Are we talking about generic
tournament armies? Or the best possible for each matchup? Under what comp?
Scenarios in play?
Furthermore, they largely ignored
available data. I am often told (by the same person, but he is insistent) that,
despite the many positives or negatives of the RHQ rankings system, it accurately
shows things such as general army power level. Whilst I philosophically
disagree with this (namely because I think, as with a lot of other things in
life, a sharp mind focused on the subject reveals more than the bumbling around
of drunken warhammer players, but more on that later), it is a decent starting
Keeping a UK focus RHQ shows us
the following:
- Ogre Kingdoms
- Warriors Of Chaos
- Empire
- Lizardmen
- Daemons Of Chaos
- Vampire Counts
- Dark Elves
- High Elves
- Dwarfs
- Bretonnians
- Chaos Dwarfs
- Orcs & Goblins
- Beastmen
- Tomb Kings
- Wood Elves
Skaven are missing off the list
(technical glitch one expects) but one assumes they would be in the top 3 or
so. Obviously worth noting that RHQ uses 12 months-worth of data – so armies
such as WoC and DoC will include old books information.
Probably not an overly
surprisingly list, and one could look at reasons why some armies are where they
are etc – and maybe we will do it at some point.
What I want to look at, however,
is something slightly different.
8th vs 8th
What are the army power levels –
looking only at the new 8th edition army books?
It is often proclaimed that these
are balanced tomes, and I myself am fond of saying that an event with nothing
but the new books would not need any comp at all.
Is this true? Be great if so – a
quick feat of mathematical genius shows us that over half of the books have
been updated this edition.
What follows is, by necessity, a
product of my keen intellect, charisma and charm… or something I am pulling out
of my posterior, depending on how you look at it.
To do this I don’t think you
could consider tournament-standard lists – there are too many variables around
the various builds, and comp plays too much of a role. So, in out-of-the-book
“real warhammer” as it was arguably designed to be used (and where one
generally knows what army you are going to face), keeping scenarios rather in
the background, how do the armies stack against each other?
My conclusion is, to say the
least, FAR from conventional wisdom J
So, in classic reverse order of
8. Ogre Kingdoms
The poster boys of 2012. The top
ranked army on RHQ. The “Easy-Button of WFB”. The biggest meta-changer in
years… comes in at last place. Even worse, on my win/loss matrix, they don’t
come out beating a single other new book!
It’s enough to make you question
the logic of the whole thing.
However, thinking about it, it’s
perhaps not surprising. In preparation for the upcoming 6 nations ETC practice
team event (more details at a later date) we discussed taking Ogres – but
concluded they were actually an army everyone wants to face these days. They
have limited builds (and no, taking a different magic lore does not make a
build “different”), small model count and utterly gigantic weaknesses. On a very
basic level all but one of the other books has access to death magic, which can
singlehandedly destroy an Ogre army (even if trying to reduce the risk), not to
mention their leadership issues.
7. Daemons of Chaos
The crazy kids on the block are
one thing above all else – exceptionally solid. I found these hard to place
really – they are a combat army with limited smash capabilities (and the
elements that smash are high priced, highly targetable, high priority targets),
limited magic without investing in the aforementioned targets, and extremely
limited magic defence. They are an army that is, however, much better than some
online would have us believe. The problem is that the weapons some of the other
books can bring to bear are simply too much. High strength, high power dice
Banishments, Death Magic (devastating against arguably the best selections in
the book), artillery, missile shooting and heavy armour all have the potential
to massively crimp their style (is style something that can be crimped?). A certain
banner in a pointy-eared booked is also a bit of a slap in the face. They will
win a lot of these games due to hot dice – Daemons only need you to role 5s to
win the game after all! Some matchups are hard to call – such as the WoC one…
but in my results matrix I had them winning only one game…
6. High Elves
Next up, the Elven
representatives amongst the new book. No one seems to know exactly how these
boys will do. Some neat tricks, but they suffer from one thing that is really
not ideal – being an elf. Access to 9 magic lores does give them answers to a
lot of problems… I just don’t think it’s quite enough. For all the shooting
they can put out (and it’s a hell of a lot), and for all the hiding they can do
behind banners or flapping with big used-to-be-on-fire-yet-is-now-made-of-ice
birds I am not sure they can put up with weight of combat/magic/heavy armour
other armies can. Only two wins on the matrix is a perhaps a bit harsh – they
could probably give WoC a very tight game all things considered.
5. Warriors of Chaos
Much talked about as one of THE
top armies at the moment… based on my calculations, and in this case extensive
experience, rather middling. It boils down to one thing really – for the most
part they need to get into combat to win (the odd Hellcannon leadership bomb
notwithstanding). The armies above them can either hit them with so much magic,
chaff them up for so cheap or weather the combat punch they bring. There is
little more to say than that really… rather a one-dimensional opinion on a one
dimensional book. I have them consistently beating 3 of the 8 armies –
unsurprisingly the 3 armies below them.
4. Orcs & Goblins
Tied in at number 3, the new
hotness, the green (static) tied, the oldest of the new books, Orcs &
Goblins. One thing is for sure, they really don’t play as they should. They are
really Dwarfs with more phases these days. And it works. The sheer amount of
shooting and hand grenade units causes a mess of a lot of the new books. That
they can back this up with incredibly effective (if static) combat units means
they don’t lose if their opponents get to them. Silly mechanics like allowing
fanatics and manglers to go through your own units just adds to the threat –
not even safe in combat (unlike other gunlines). The Big Waagh has two of the
best spells in the game in Hand and Foot, and the Little Waagh is a real
nuisance. Sure, they can fail animosity, and warmachines can fail to hit, but
the first if manageable and the second something you can’t account for. Coming
in at 5 wins the only reason they don’t get 3rd spot is that I
believe they lose to the army they are tied to:
3. Vampire Counts
The first of the “power” 7th
ed books to be redone, they have suffered on the conventional tournament scene
due simply to comp – and a couple of weaknesses they have. However, in
uncomped, and a decent idea of the army they are facing, they have tools to
deal with a lot of problems. With the single best combat character in the game
leading them, and a selection of ethereals, screams, tough Crypt Horrors,
flying threats, incredibly cheap chaff and cheap/free tarpits they can deal
with a lot. They can weather the barrage of magic and artillery most armies can
throw at them to a large extent. They do struggle to deal with large amounts of
armour, and obviously have some crippling weaknesses that become ever more
apparent when compared to the top two armies.
2. Tomb Kings
The most belittled of all the
army books, and with good reason in a comped tournament scene. In uncomped, and
with not having to design an all-comers list, these slow Nagash-hating
mummy-lacking wannabe Egyptians are a very serious threat. Magical dominance to
an extent no other new army comes remotely close to matching. Panic causing
artillery. Army-wide access to killing blow. Monsters by the handful if needed.
Cheap (Core) chaff. Numbers to provide roadblocks if needed/wanted (alongside a
very synergistic base lore of magic). Not to over stress the magic point, but
an Arkhan list backed up with a full on Light Council (and accompanying
Hierotitan and Caskets), backed up by army wide shooting and artillery, is a
truly devastating beast. Armies such as vampires can take the punishment to
make it across the field – only to face light magic-backed units with killing
blow floating around if the vampire lord gets a bit too cocky. Sure they are
epically slow – a major disadvantage in scenario play, and they have obvious
weaknesses, but galloping in with an epic 6 wins I put them just below the one
army that I think consistently beats them in a no-holes barred encounter…
1. The Empire
The dull centre of the WFB
universe, our Germanic friends have enough utility in their depressingly dull
army book to give you the tools to consistently take on the rest of the new
books. Incredibly cheap (including core) 1+ armour save units? Check. Wide
array of cheap magic lores? Check. Double Banishment potential? Check. 1+
armour save random moving unbreakable unit with 10 wounds? Check. Cheap
infantry hordes if you want to go in that direction? Check. Incredibly costed monstrous
cav? Check. Artillery? Check. More artillery? Check. The point may be
belaboured, but it’s true. An army with no weaknesses. Other than the one army
I have consistently beating them, the green wrench that is the O&G, other
armies in this list simply do not have a consistent way of dealing with them.
It’s a pity the book is not more fun, but then perhaps they have stayed as
close to the fluff – they appear modelled on nothing short of brutal Germanic
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The Matrix of Doom |
So, there we have it – and I can
guarantee no one will agree with me – that the beauty of this subject, we are
all wrong, and we are all right J