

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Surviving the Reign of Chaos Part 3 – Beastmen

The Children of Chaos are the greatest threat to the Empire of Man.

Greatest here is strictly based on the volumetric definition. Sure every few hundred years some new king of the Northern tribes invades the Empire, busts up Praag (seriously, whatever happened to Kislev?! They should release a 40k-style supplement for armies from there – because at the moment all the relevance there is to Kislev is that Chaos Warriors like to burn it occasionally and Felix Jaeger’s strong-headed-one-time-girlfriend-turned-vampire comes from there) decides for some reason to besiege Middenheim before inevitably being scattered to the winds and slinking off back to the North and waiting for the next King, or at the very least a ret-con of the fluff. Their Daemonic masters tend to follow them around in mischievous puppy dog fashion – sure, occasionally they do their own thing, normally involving a portal (and we all like those) have wild initial success before being thwarted in a change in the magical weather.

In short, the average citizen of the Empire can probably die of old age (probably at the age of 41 or therabouts) knowing that Chaos Warriors and Daemons are every bit as made up as the half-man-half-rat creatures you hear tall tales about (in their defence, you could also be a tournament wargamer for a number of years and believe that actual Chaos Warriors are a mythical thing that arise in times of crisis when their army needs the ability to sit in a building comfortably, but that’s a whole separate thing). Throughout those blissful years of hard toil, utter poverty and occasional starvation, the average citizen would have lived in dread of one thing above all others (save perhaps from overt attention paid by the local Witch Hunter to their family’s webbed toes) – the unheralded, indiscriminate and unforgiving savagery of a Beastmen Warband.

Savagely cunning, at home in the dark forests of the Old World, keen trackers and ambushers, able to call upon the mutated splendour of creatures too foul for the imagination and largely unburdened by the bickering politics of their better equipped kin -  surely this army, this epitome of the power of Chaos in the mortal world, is smashing apart all before them using a combination of endless numbers, dark magicks, rampaging monsters, unstoppable characters and the preternatural threat of the deadly ambush. How does one survive in this hopeless (and probably damp) world?


So, there won’t be anyone reading this who does not appreciate that the Beastmen book is terrible. Even those who bestrode their moral high horses and rage quit with all the pomp and circumstance of an Australian podcast host after being given free trips to the US to the land of the WarmaHordes (where, I have been told, the game is so much cheaper than GW prices that it is effectively free, the game truly honours the true skill of guessing inches with your eyes and the company has absolutely no interest in in making money whatsoever but rather lives purely to worship the gamer) will remember that this book was terrible even upon release. Gone was the (admittedly unwieldy) skirmishing and mixed model armies, in were the over-costed infantry and chariots (and lets not talk about the Rare section).

The rubbishes of the true Children of Chaos seems to be one of the enshrined truisms of Warhammer – just look at all the help the ETC keeps trying to give them (though also note that as soon as someone comes up with a truly original list (thinking Team Northern Ireland in 2012) they duly comp it out of the game.

All this being said – they can be effective. As with all other lower-tiered books, they have some very bad matchups, but their good matchups are often against decent armies. And they can be devastating.

I have a confession to make.
I was hoping this day would never come.

At major (2 day, 50+ player) events in the three years I have been playing competitively my worse record against any and all armies is…. Beastmen.
Four games, Three losses. 75% loss rate.

Compare this to my two losses in countless games against Daemons of Chaos and no losses against the new Warriors and you see my shame in its undiluted glory.

So, what should you look out for so as not to become like me – hiding in the relative safety of a well-lit office, far from the dangers of Primal Fury, twitching at the very thought of goats?

Beastmen do two things well. In uncomped Warhammer they often only get to do one of those things due to points constraints, but when comp helps them out with points, they can sometimes do both. And those two things are good things.


Beastmen arguably fight better than any other infantry army in the game. The access to hatred every round is a massive deal (rerolls really are the kings of Warhammer) and they have access to both magical and magic item buffs to their units that an see them go toe to toe with most other units. Their Characters can also be every bit as destructive as their pansy Norse friends – I have seen many a Doombull destroy entire armies by himself, and the Beastlord can be almost as good. Both can be engineered to sit on Daemon Princes for a good while, if not kill them.


Magic may be fickle, but damn it is powerful. And Beastmen can bring ALL the magic to the party. The Shard not only provides a nice and portable piece of impassable terrain to play around with, it can fuel magic phases to an insane degree (on a bit of a side note, do they then drag the shards off with them, or are vast areas of the Empire covered in honking big rocks that power up any passing wizard?). Their lore access is somewhat limited, but Shadow and Beasts can ramp up the power of the combat (which is already decent) and Death magic is the potential game winner we all love to hate so much. The Lore of the Wild is seen as a joke by most, but it has some incredible spells in it – be it the Monstrous Cavalry smashing Traitor Kin, the surprisingly effective Viletide or the simply awesome Savage Dominion.

In fact these two things along would make the book better than average (and potentially as grand as “good”) if not for the criminal over costing of the entire book. There are always going to be bad matchups for the traditional Beastmen build (known in some circles as The Wildman) – armies that do not have to engage can cause serious issues – Lizardmen, for example, love shooting infantry. It’s right up there with basking in the sun and double fleeing in the Most Popular Lizard Hobbies of 2013 list. Armies that have to fight, however, are at risk.

It is not surprising really that my 75% loss ratio against them came in my VC days. I had to engage to get points, Beastmen engage to get points – luck swings are epically important here. Being stuck in combat with a Beastmen unit in their turn is asking for trouble. They will often have the potential spells and dice to cast 3 Wildforms, a Soulblight, a Miasma and sometimes even the odd withering/enfeebling/mindrazor in there for good measure. Units cannot take that punishment, hell, even SkullCrushers do not want to be stuck on a Bestigor unit. You have to smash them hard enough to leave a pitiful amount of attacks coming the other way to stand a chance. Mindrazored Corsairs for example had nothing to fear in these combats.

This is, however, in the land of the unit vs unit combat. Warriors change this a lot – too many hand grenade units, impact hits, flying threats to key magic users, thunderstomps and self-healing unbreakable and hard to hit Princes are all bad news for Beastmen hordes. The rise of armies that have the potential to significantly cause damage at range with limited risk (as covered in discussions in and around DenialHammer) or a highly mobile is also a Bad Thing for the poor goats.

In summary, the Beastmen book could have the answers to most of their weaknesses, but this relies on having a LOT more points than their opponents. Even with the generosity of the ETC in this regards, you rapidly run out of points when actually writing lists, and end up being a one dimensional army. They really should release an Errata halving the cost of every single thing in the Beastmen book- then things could be interesting.

I shall leave you with lessons learnt from my experiences at the hands of the fell children of Chaos gods:

1 – Do not, under any circumstances, allow massive units of Gor into the watchtower when you have no way of panicking them out. This is a Bad Thing.

2 – When armed with a unit with the potential to go through a non-stubborn unit in a turn, do not, under any circumstances, charge the wrong unit. This is a Very Bad Thing.

3 – Whatever else you do, no NOT let a single RazorGor charge your combat Vampire Lord and his unit of Grave Guard. The RazorGor, regardless of the odds, WILL kill the Lord. This is The Worse Thing. DAMN YOU WILDMAN!!*

*this was before he was famous. Am pretty sure now he is famous something would go wrong and he would get to blame the dice :)

At the conclusion of this series on how to survive the overwhelming Reign of Chaos sweeping our lands, I must say I found myself constantly harking back to the golden years of the 5th Edition Warhammer Armies: Realm of Chaos book. The warband nature of that book provided the most fluff – orientated lists I have ever seen (and no. Mono Nurgle is not fluffy even if you do not take Death Magic). Chaos armies could be a true mix of Warriors, Daemons and Beastmen – just like in the stories. The Lords of Chaos were suitably scary (though my mounted Khorne Lord at the time with the Chaos Runeshield, Helm of Many Eyes and Frostblade (had a touch of the HeroHammer about him – which to me, is a Good Thing when you are talking Chaos Lords). The new books allow a degree of min-maxing that is unfortunate, though admittedly very successful against the unprepared opponent.
That being said, unless I am mis-rememebering things, the Beastmen were pretty bad back then too.....

Until next time,


Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Surviving the Reign of Chaos, Part 2 – Daemons of Chaos

OK… so time for yet more ramblings where I pull words from the ether and pretend to be wise… damn, giving all my secrets away today.

The widespread presence of the Chaos powers continues unabated with routinely 1/3 of the field being worshippers of the eight pointed star (…unless they are just dyed-in-the-wool bandwagoners of course. Unfortunately some people take WFB far too seriously (in case I have not mentioned it recently), so I would not be surprised to discover that these players ritually disembowel kittens (ok, maybe that’s a bit extreme – maybe just Barbie dolls) prior to attending events).

So, onto the topic at hand.

Daemons of Chaos have a brilliant Army Book. They arrived onto the scene amidst giggles and whispering-behind-hands-mockery-pretending-to-be-sympathy you will have seen displayed any High School RomCom ever (and admit it, they are a guilty pleasure of yours between bouts of the Hard Rock/Metal music WFB players seem to inexplicably love so much. Admit it to yourself that is – don’t go sharing that stuff publically. Seriously).

The outcries were loud and proud:

No Scroll! How on earth could an army function with no access to a scroll*?!
No choice over magic items?! Well, apart from banners and weapons… so most of the stuff you want…
No cheap access to high level wizards?!
No more cheap loremaster?! Boo. Hoo. Surely everyone expected that?
Terrible magic lore access! Except its actually good, though missing buffs. But you now have Nurgle
Blood Thirsters can no longer buy 2+ armour! But you now have Nurgle
Bloodletters are now S4?! But you now have Nurgle
Flamers suck! But you now have Nurgle
Storm of Chaos table is going to wipe out your own army! Very rarely. More often will swing games in your favour. And you have Nurgle

*(Well, I ran my VC for an entire year with no scroll… and many people don’t run scrolls. As much as I hate to give ‘props’ to our Antipodean friends, they are very much correct in calling a scroll a crutch – useful and good, but not vital – but I digress)

All these mighty proclamations by the omniscient Interweb led to one conclusion – Daemons of Chaos were No Longer Good.

This was seen by most people to be a Good Thing.

What a difference time makes.

The war gaming community needed to time to process the ever so subtle mechanisms that make Daemons a top tier book….

*New and improved - Now with added free magical artillery AND the Daemon of Nurgle rule!
Buy now whilst stocks last!

Yeah, so it turns out that armies that are unbreakable, have a 5++, the best combat characters in the game, get free magical bombardment, have units in that utterly neutralise the best combat units in the game, have a unit in special with M6, Swiftstride, T5, 4W, 5++ and a 4+ regen (yours for 1 point more than an Orc Big Boss on foot with a great weapon!), cheap flying chaff, wizard units in core with no real downside to miscasting, and, lest we forget, a chariot cannon with none of the weaknesses of a chariot cannon (someone obviously figured out that the mount not getting attacks if you charged an Ironblaster in the flank/rear made them rubbish, and did a splendid job of fixing that particular issue in this book) are quite good really.

And seriously, don’t get me started on the whole “I can have 2 magic weapons and benefit from both due to a FAQ interpretation on an unrelated mechanic” nonsense that is the Eternal Blade + ASF Sword nonsense. Seriously. Dock those people sports. For the good of the game.

The power of the Daemons is far less obvious than their earthbound worshipers – not for them the obvious power of Chariot spam, Throgg Troll Hordes, Unbreakable Daemon Princes, SkullCrushers or a 3++ save rerolling 1s. People that have not played against the Daemon book a lot often completely underestimate how good their stuff is – there is a real parallel to their age old adversaries the Lizardmen here – though if the current scene is anything to go by, you will soon get experience fighting daemons, whilst your Lizardmen fun may have to wait a while.

Scions of the Gods of Darkness:

Now, as with its mortal counterpart, the DoC book is insanely flexible. There are all sorts of options you could see and should not be surprised if you do. Thankfully, from a trying to learn how to play against them viewpoint, there are some things you should expect to see.

Some of these elements are usually in evidence:

Greater Daemon: Lord of Change or Great Unclean One (lvl4 Death) – both most often seen with Eternal Blade & Sword of Swiftness (though Wand of Whimsy on the LoC is also great)
Heroes: BSB – either Tzeentch Herald (normally with Metal Magic) or Nurgle Herald (with the regen 4+ locus)
Core: Plague Bearers and (though sometimes or) Pink HorrorsSpecial: Beasts of Nurgle (normally one big unit and 2 single ones)
Rare: Plague Drones and Skullcannon.

Add in Blue Scribes and sometimes Fateweaver if you want special characters

Thankfully for us all these things add up to a lot of points, and means the “netlist” writes itself. Now you will see off the wall stuff – and some of the top players deliberately go off-piste, but overall, this gives you a good indication of what you will have to deal with.

So. What does this army do? The beauty is its utter simplicity and ease of use:
The Tzeentch and Khorne elements apply pressure from range, protected by the Nurgle elements whilst the army as a whole advances (deceptively quickly). Their chaff is hard enough to kill that to attempt it you have to invest considerable resources, distracting you from the overall threat. Cue some classic fix and delete tactics and almost anything in the game is in serious trouble (until you have faced it it is very hard to fully appreciate the power of the -1 to hit that Nurgle grants his children). Meanwhile the CrazyTableOfDoom is causing havoc on your opponent and the good times are rolling.

So... how do we (continue to) survive the Reign of Chaos?

As with the Warriors book, a lot of the issues arise when people try to take the Daemons on at things they do best (unless your own army is designed to do the same thing, but better). For example, against a heavy Tzeentchian presence with lots of magic missiles playing the mid/long range shooting game is seriously asking for trouble, and the reason why in my game at Tribute (as covered recently) I rushed the DoC army. Trying to take on Nurgle troops with your anti infantry troop stuff is also likely to end, as they say, Badly.

Thankfully, in my opinion, a lot of the things that are good against WoC are also good against DoC – most assuredly in two of the central tenets of my anti WoC list building strategy – Tanks and Death.

Very (feel like I should emphasis this a bit more… maybe Very? or VERY… all out perhaps with a VERY? hmmm seems a bit obnoxious really…) few things in the game have the ability to swiftly take on and destroy a Nurgle combat unit without some considerable luck – seriously, do the maths (note to self – look up why our lovely American cousins insist on calling it “Math”, which is, after all, just plain wrong). The issue is you don’t want to get caught in the quagmire of that combat – if your deathstar/combat elite unit/Daemon Prince/whatever thinks it’s going to evaporate some Plaguebearers in double quick time and doesn’t, you are unlikely to survive an ASF Eternal Blade-wielding Greater Daemon counterattack. The best way, in my opinion, to neutralise the grandchildren of Nurgle is to tank their units out of the game. Something that will not take much/any damage and can hold off vs the static combat res with decent leadership is ideal (if sometimes hard to find). Pinning these in place will then hopefully give you the room and time to go after the softer underbelly of the DoC army (if they have one…).

Death Magic is great. I mean, it sucks that so many people are running it, but it is really one of the few (and occasionally only) counters to the Wall of Nurgle (think that phrase needs musical accompaniment). Though the GW writers were nice enough to double the initiative of Plaguebearers (something they *forgot* to do for Saurus… but that is another thing entirely) Purple Sun remains the most dreaded of weapons against them (and Beasts and Drones and will even scare a Great Unclean One). With their lack of scroll, this is a threat that often means they have to save their dice and let other stuff through. Picking on Heralds is a) good sense and b) good fun, so do it. Also, pick on the Greater Daemons. Their leaderships is not great – spirit leech is one dice away from sending them into hiding. Sure. Death is unreliable, but it is continuously scary (not to get all philosophical or anything).

As well as these rather obvious points there is one major thing to consider. The enmity between the Gods is your friend. In the classic dual-god-plus-skullcannon list the inherent weakness, such as it is, of the daemon army is the fragility of their command and control structure. Be aware that if the BSB is Tzeentchian the Drones/Beasts/Plaguebearers are only one leadership test away from disaster. If you have to fight stuff, try and fight stuff unaligned to the BSB/General. For the rest, killing the BSB makes every leadership test you make them take potentially massive, so kill the BSB. Killing the General also helps in this – but as this is normally a 500+ model that has epic destructive capabilities, the fact that killing it is probably a Good Idea is hopefully self-evident… It should also be said that killing Greater Daemons (if they don’t roll 2+ armour save) is actually not all that hard to do at range. It also tends to massively hamper their magical defence capabilities.
Do it. Do it NOW.

In summary:
  • Tie up the aggressive elements (normally the Core, Special and Rare from the Nurgle section of the book)
  • Purple Sun FTW
  • Assassination – make them be cowards with the Greater Daemons, target heralds etc.

As with the Warriors, none of these is an auto-win answer to the Daemonic menace, just stuff to bear in mind. The book is too good to have obvious answers to.

So, as with the look at the WoC, we should consider the many weird and wondrous weapons that each of their armies have at their disposal to take on the Daemonic hordes. Sure, perhaps you don’t take them often – but perhaps it is worth considering – after all, these days the servants of the Dark Gods seem to make up a third of the scene!

Empire: Light Councils [duh], Knights, Demigriffs, Cannons, Steam Tanks, Other Magic, Peg Characters [make good tanks], Hellblasters
Orcs and Goblins: Artillery, Manglers, Fanatics, mass poison, Foot, chariots, Pump Wagons
High Elves: Banner of the World Dragon*, Light Council, Repeater Bolt Throwers, combat Characters, Sisters
Ogres: Death Magic, Ironblasters, Tyrants, Mournfang w banner
Tomb Kings: Artillery, Casket, Light Councils, Death Magic, Sphinxes
Vampire Counts: Screams, Zombies, Death Magic
Lizardmen: Death and Heavens Magic, Wandering Deliberations, Old Bloods, Scar Vets, Stegadons, Skinks, Chameleons, Salamanders
Dwarfs: Artillery, Anvil
Bretonnians: Heroic Killing Blow, Trebuchets, Magic
Dark Elves: Flaming Witch Elves, Dreadlords, Magic, Monsters.
Wood Elves: 1 million glade guard. That should do it…
Beastmen: Doombulls, Death/Shadow magic
Chaos Dwarfs: Not a real book :)
Skaven: The usual stuff – Grey Seers, Abominations, WLCs, DoomWheels, Slaves, Poison Wind Globadiers blah blah

The length of the things that could be good against DoC really highlight the challenge here. There is such a degree of randomness in facing them (and is using them to a point) that it is hard to rely on your answer to Y being the use of X. It also shows that they are an all-round more solidly powerful book than the rather gimmicky Warriors.

*The Banner of the World Dragon – contrary to the aforementioned omniscient Interweb, does not mean an auto win against Daemons. Depending on what unit is carrying it, it does not even guarantee the winning of combats. Heck, there are plenty of units in the DoC army that will happily hold up a Banner of the World Dragon-toting unit for most of the game and still be alive at the end of it all. Its obviously good, but by not means and auto win.

So, in short… prayer may help.
As ever, this is rather spur of the moment and will be missing things. So, if in doubt - keep it tight, and play better. That should do the trick J

Until next time


Monday, 21 October 2013

The Maul 2013 List Highlights

So, the Manfield Maul is nearly upon us!

For those in the far flung edges of the empire… wait? No more empire? Well this sucks, someone should do something about that…

Ahem, for those who are not familiar with this event, it is a true Warhammer institution. A wacky mix of points size (2999), theme (a free thematically suitable special character created by the organisers is available for use by all players), dressing up, the odd beverage and a doubles game thrown in the middle for good measure, the Maul is not your “traditional” event.

It’s so out there that the Mansfield Maul is not even, in fact, in Mansfield (Sheffield being some 30 miles away from Mansfield. Now, being relatively widely travelled myself I appreciate that to our foreign friends this is no distance at all, and am sure that the average paper round is probably further. In England, however, such a trip is a Herculean feat – the span of 30 miles will take you distinct regions with their own particular accents, views on Northern/Southern/Other people and some passionately held, if difficult to understand, views on the rightful independence of their own country. And if this is not enough, there will probably be leaves/rain/snow/wrong kind of leaves/wrong kind of snow and/or sheep on the line, so public transport becomes and adventure (really rather dependent on how you define such things…))

The Maul is one of the longest continuously run events in the UK – I think it’s in its 8th year – and is very clear that it sees itself as a “different” event. As is clearly laid out in the pack:

“The Maul has had an ethos from the very beginning – ‘Bring armies that look like armies’… The Maul is an opportunity to do something different. To bring a different attitude, a different style of army and play and have an event that has an added social/party feel to it rather than the sort of event where you play 6 games of tense, no quarter given, Gary Gameface style games….”

Furthermore it lays out four central points that distinguish itself:

“1. Leave your gameface at home…
2. 2999pts… This allows you more room when building your list [and give ability to take big monsters you normally don’t due to cost]
3. …It’s Halloween and that means the option for fancy dress on the Saturday night!
4. Doubles… doubles game as game 3…”

As I mentioned, its different, and its an institution.

Now, I am happy to admit that it is not a priority for me to attend – there are only so many Mrs Tokens and hobby dollars in this world, and one has to choose where to spend them wisely. I would love to go one day, and I love its uniqueness – even if from afar. One of my favourite things about the whole event is looking at the lists people are bringing – traditionally you see lovely wacky stuff that is never seen on the “bleeding edge” of competitive play, with the odd person who throws all niceness to the winds and brings the filth. There was a bit of an outcry last year when (arguably due to it at the time being a ranked event) the perception was that pretty much everyone in the field was bringing an F22 Raptor to a custard cream fight. So I thought I would have a look at what this year’s crop of Maulitas have brought us.


First of all, this needs to be said.

Chaos is filth.
OK, maybe I should elaborate. The Northern kind of Chaos is filth. The half bunny half naked man variety you may bump into if you go into the wrong woods at the wrong time of day, not so much.
The worse thing is… I am not even sure I can blame the players.

The Maul, through its system of Timmycomp and general peer pressure, encourages Themed lists. This is most definitely a Good Thing.
Alas, some themes are very good. Very good.
MonoGod DoC lists (most particularly the Nurgle variety) are most definitely themed. They are also, in the vast majority of cases, top tier competitive armies. The same, to an extent, can be said for MonoGod WoC lists.
Heck, using that logic, I am shocked no one brought a Nuln Artillery Train for their Empire list J

But anyway – let’s not dwell on the dull and vulgar – as I said, I am not even sure it’s the player’s fault, some of the books you would probably have to actively try to make a weak list out of.
No, let us look at some examples of lists (either excerpts or in their entirety) of lists that have gladdened my heart on this ever so Monday-like of Monday mornings…

Well, where to start?

Where better than with Mr Smith. Take a bow!
No Warmachines? Check.
No Lords? Check.
5 Combat Blocks? Check.
Massive Hairy Elephant? Check.
Love it.

Full list

Mr Sweeting also does not let the side down.
In between the usual (for him) and still very cool Lord on Wyvern and double Arachnarok list he also has the patented goblin hero spam… the rest of his list contains a lot of standard fare…. But one line stands out as the single best line in any army list at this event…

List Excerpt
Next up, Mr Armstrong.
The undisputed (well, on this blog at least) master of scaly skinned goodness. Married life obviously suits him, and he has bought into the idea with a list built around three combat blocks and three monsters – and yes, one is a Carnosaur! Sure, there is the ubiquitous fat frog floating around, but if you ignore that you are left with good old fashioned… goodness. I mean, seriously. Only 2 units of skinks.

List Excerpt

Mr Smith (another one! Should make a Matrix joke here...) also has hidden gems of goodness amidst what is essentially a normal list. Taking up the gauntles thrown down on Heelanhammer with (one assumes) fearless bravado, he joins the party with a 4 Sphinx list. Not remotely a terrible choice at these points totals I don’t think – well, with the caveat this is Tomb Kings we are talking about. Still, better than seeing Beasts of Nurgle on the table!

List Excerpt

Mr Borland is somewhat bringing it up a gear with Scyla’s slavering hordes!
OK, sure, it doesn’t make all that much fluff sense (a predominantly Slaaneshy force taking orders from a spawn of Khorne would need justification in supporting fluff that would need the involvement of at least one portal and a chance meeting in some woods… and that’s before the father of Dragon Ogres gets involved), but so what?
Kholek – cool
Scyla – cool
Forsaken – cool
Dragon Ogres – cool
Slaughterbrute – cool
Mutalith Vortex Beast – cool
Shaggoth – cool
So there.

Full list

Mr Wildman of some podcast or other finally delivers on what he has been going on about for years! OK, maybe he mentioned it once, but still… say hello to MSU O&G!
Not only featuring special character goodness, this list also contains the second best line from any of the army lists at this event!

Full List

Mr “Old Man” Yeo (who's not actually all that old - but don't tell him that!) is bringing one of my favourite list concepts to the field – the WooftimeOfTheLastWaaagh (yes that’s one word). 40 strong mounted unit, because why not?! Sure the rest of the list is mainly classic Yeofilth – but he does have a very angry walking rock, so that counts for something.

List Excerpt

All round list writing Guru Mr Gill does not disappoint, bringing a list that to all intents and purposes mocks other High Elf players who have claimed to have been bringing a High Elf Air force. Three Griffons, 2 flying chariots and a unit of 6 Eagles – this is, quite frankly, epic.

List Excerpt

And finally, a quick shout out to Mr Banks, who has brought something I always wanted to bring – a full on Von Carstein family reuinion!

List Excerpt
So, I look forward to hearing how these get on over the weekend – one thing is for sure. If history teaches us anything (and we all know it teaches us almost all things) a lot of fun will be had at this event!

Until next time
